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Mobile & Tablets
Buy and sell new and used mobiles, SIM cards and other mobile accessories in Bangladesh. Choose from top brands including Apple, OnePlus, Xiaomi and Nokia.
View listings for property in Bangladesh. Find the cheapest rates for apartments, commercial and residential properties, as well as for land and plots.
Computer & Laptops
Find great deals for used electronics in Bangladesh including mobile phones, computers, laptops, TVs, cameras and much more.
Buy and sell used cars, motorbikes and other vehicles in Bangladesh. Choose from top brands including Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Suzuki.
Find daily essential products, including groceries, healthcare products, household items, fruits & vegetables, meat & seafood and baby products near you.
Pets & Animals
Search from the widest variety of pets in Bangladesh. Select from dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, birds and other domesticated animals.
Buy and sell used cars, motorbikes and other vehicles in Bangladesh. Choose from top brands including Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Suzuki.
Sports & Hobbies
Buy and sell used musical instruments, sports gear and accessories, art and collectibles and items for kids here.
Fashion, Health & Beauty
Buy and sell clothing, garments, shoes and other personal items including handbags, perfumes etc.
Business & Industrial Products
This is where businesses in Bangladesh trade, numerous business and industry services offered to trade and consumers.
Find food and edible products, including fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, fish, seafood, crop seeds, plants and other agricultural products in Bangladesh.
Buy and sell books and magazines, find tuition, classes and other educational resources in Bangladesh.
Browse through a range of service offerings to businesses and consumers alike.
Daily Needs
Post and apply for jobs and career opportunities in Bangladesh. Search for job vacancies in your city.