Frequently Asked Questions
Posting ads on is very quick and easy! To do this, click on the yellow Advertise button and follow the instructions. If you are not logged in, you need to log in as a first step to post ads. Your ad will go live after review this usually takes less than 3 hours.
To edit an ad, please go to the page of that ad and click the “Edit Ad” button. Tip: Once you’re logged in to your account, you can easily find your ad by going to the “My Ads” page!
To delete an ad, please go to that ad’s page and click the “Delete” button. Tip: After logging in to your account, you can easily find your ad by going to the “My Ads” page!
To set a new password on, please log in to your account, then go to the “Settings” page and enter the new password. If you forgot your password, you can: After visiting the login page, click on the “Forgot your password” link. Click on any one ad, then click “Edit Ad” or “Delete Ad” and finally “Forgot your password?” Click on the link.
If you have created an account through Facebook, you will not have a password. In that case you can log in to your account through Facebook without password.
Ads are shown for up to 90 days, unless you delete them in advance.
Tip: Once you’ve logged in to your account, you can easily see the status of your ads by visiting the “My Ads” page! All ads are reviewed to ensure that no customers are exposed to fraud and spam, so it may take up to 2 hours before an ad is shown on the site. If you do not see the ad after 2 hours, it may be in violation of our posting rules. If your ad is not approved, you will receive an email explaining the reason. If you have to wait more than 24 hours to get a response from us, you may have made a mistake in entering your phone number when posting the ad. Try to post again or contact with us.
All ads are reviewed manually – if your ad violates our posting policy, it will be discarded. In that case we send an email and there you can find out what you need to change first if the ad is to be approved.
Of course! Please contact with us here and we will support you as soon as possible.
If you do not respond to our ads, our recommendations are going to be recommended to see how to sell quickly. offers paid features and services that help people promote their ads, increase sales of advertised items, and promote online businesses. These currently include Ad Promotion, Membership and Doorstep Delivery.
We do not accept:
- All such services or items which are illegal in Bangladesh
- Any item or service not located in Bangladesh
- Invalid phone number or email address
- Unrealistic proposal
- Offensive language
- Offensive picture
- Any title or description that does not match the item or service provided in the
advertisement - An image that does not match the ad or the item in question is not clearly visible
- More text / text in the first image (excluding logo and product code)
- Indefinite item or service, for example, giving details of a company
- Linking to a URL that is not related to the item or service in the ad
- The same ad offers both types of buying and selling
- If another ad with exactly the same description is published on the site or if you post
another ad with the same description in the last 7 days. - Multiple items in the same ad
- Counterfeit, counterfeit or replica of any other company’s product
- In addition, the advertised product / service cannot be changed once the ad has been posted.
Creating an account at is quick, easy and completely free! To sign up for, please visit the sign up page and follow the instructions. You can sign up using an email address or a Facebook account. Whenever you sign up, a link to your email address and instructions on how to verify your email address will be sent.
To log in to your account, simply go to the Log in page and enter your email and password. If you have created an account via Facebook, click on “Continue with Facebook” and follow the instructions. To log out of your account, simply click the “Log out” option and then by clicking finally “Log Out” your account.
To find out more about Best Ads, please visit the Advertise Your Page page. You can learn more about this by clicking the “Advertise Promotion” button on your ad and then clicking the “Learn Details” button under Best Ads.
If you do not see your top ad, you will understand that there are many more top ads in this list. In this case, every top ad is given equal opportunity. Follow the instructions below to view your top ad: Go to the category and location in which you posted the ad, and select a relevant filter. Click on the next few pages, or refresh your page a few times to browse the various top ads.
To learn more about “Daily Bump-Up”, please visit the Promote Your Ad page. To learn more about this go to your ad and click the “Advertise Promotion” button then click the “Learn Details” button under “Daily Bump-Up”.
Shop pages are included in all of our membership packages, so setting up a membership will automatically give you the opportunity to get your own shop page. Learn about membership
To know more about membership, please visit our membership page.
To purchase a voucher, please click on the “Promote Ad” section of your ad and follow the “How to buy a voucher.” Need detailed information about vouchers? Please contact us at this email
You can use it for any top add or bump up as long as the remaining balance of your voucher is sufficient to pay for the promotion.
If you have a low balance to purchase a top add or bump up, contact us to transfer the remaining balance and top it up or use another voucher that has sufficient balance. Please note, vouchers are not refundable and cannot be cashed.