In order to provide secure and effective services from this website, it is essential for to accumulate, use and share personal information.
Information posted on is available to the public. If you wish to provide personal information to us, you consent to the transfer and storage of such information to our servers. We collect and store the following personal information:
Email address, contact information, and (depending on the use of the service) sometimes financial information. Computer sign-in information, pageview statistics, visitors to and from, and ad response statistics.
Other information, including the user’s IP address and standard web log information.
Terms of Use:
- We collect user personal information for the following reasons:
- To provide our services
- For dispute resolution, fee collection, and problem solving
- To encourage safe buying and selling and to enforce our policies
- To customize the user experience, to measure our interest in the service
- To improve our services and keep users informed about services and updates
- To contact you about marketing and promotional offers of your choice
- When we collect information, to do other things for the user for the reasons described above
To Disclose:
We do not sell or lease user personal information to any third party for marketing purposes without explicit permission from the user. We may disclose or disclose personal information in response to any advertising or content claims that infringe on the rights of others, or to ensure the protection of the rights, property or safety of everyone, in the interests of enforcing our policies, in compliance with legal requirements.
Way of Communication or Email:
You agree to receive marketing messages about consumer products and services from our third party advertising partners, unless you tell us otherwise. If you do not wish to receive marketing messages from us, you can indicate your preferred subject by following the instructions provided with the contact. You may not use our site or the method of communication in order to collect addresses, send spam or otherwise violate our Terms of Use or Privacy Policy. We may automatically scan and manually filter emails sent using our communication methods to test for prohibited activity or prohibited topics. If you use our methods to send something to a friend, we do not permanently store your friend’s address or use or disclose them for marketing purposes. To report any spam from other users, please contact our customer support.
For Security:
We use many methods to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure (encryption, password, infrastructural security).
All personal electronic information will be kept confidential except for those you wish to disclose. Disclosure of contact information with others through this service is unacceptable.
If you violate the laws of your country of residence and/or the terms of use of the services, you lose the right to privacy on your personal information.
Contact Address:
Customer can contact our support through email:
Subscription Cancellation Information:
If you would like to change or delete your information from our database at any time, please contact In addition, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the un-subscribe link below the email we sent.
This website uses ad displays to advertise online and uses remarketing technology through Google Analytics. Third-party vendors, including Google, may use a combination of first-party and third-party cookies to display ads on various websites on the Internet to inform, optimize and deliver ads based on past visits to our website.
You can refrain from participating in Google Analytics to display ads and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Preferences Manager.